30. Ethical behaviour is more difficult for the rich (Proposed — Mandy Patterson) — discussed 27 July 2013
Ethical behaviour is more difficult for the rich.
3 thoughts on “30. Ethical behaviour is more difficult for the rich (Proposed — Mandy Patterson) — discussed 27 July 2013”
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a) I’ve written a little essay on the topic, online at http://thormay.net/unwiseideas/Ethical-Behaviour-is-Harder-for-the-Rich.htm
b) Here are some newspaper articles and blog posts that bear on the matter of ethics:
1. “On the ethics of the rich” http://www.gifthub.org/2012/02/on-the-ethics-of-the-rich.html
2. Rich James, “Not everyone defines ethics the same way” http://www.nwitimes.com/news/opinion/columnists/rich-james/rich-james-not-everyone-defines-ethics-the-same-way/article_b82e2864-efb4-5e08-8bb0-fd613bb7e408.html
3, “Some helped, others didn’t, after US jet crash” http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/some-helped-others-didnt-after-us-jet-crash-20130715-2pzha.html
4. “Lying to children: Are you raising a sucker?” http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/executive-style/culture/blogs/all-men-are-liars/are-you-raising-a-sucker-20130720-2qa6c.html [ TM: the comments section to this article are illuminating ]
5. “Are rich people unethical?” http://news.yahoo.com/rich-people-unethical-224915381–abc-news.html
6. Peter Singer, “It’s our duty to give” http://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/charity/duty_1.shtml
Here is a blog devoted to the concepts and philosophy of philanthropy (in America): Gift Hub at http://www.gifthub.org/2012/02/on-the-ethics-of-the-rich.html . It is worth looking at some of these issues, and (I think) thinking beyond mere ‘greed’ for some explanations.
Published on 21 Jun 2013 — “In a series of startling studies, psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley have found that “upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals.” Ongoing research is trying to find out what it is about wealth — or lack of it — that makes people behave they way they do. Paul Solman reports as part of his Making Sen$e series. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IuqGrz-Y_Lc#at=84
Comment {Thor May) — Only a psychologist could be startled by this stuff.. [sarcasm]. The really interesting part is when you follow the Psychology 101 students with 51% pass rates into the workforce as HR recruiters etc, and watch how they misuse what they have half understood of such research. OK, of course it is useful to confirm what the more aware amongst us have already intuited. The main problem I see is that the “greed is good” crowd (multitude) are going to stand studies like this on their head and say something like “science has proved that the rich are less ethical. Therefore, to become rich you should ..” .