Day: 17 June 2013
17. Is anything possible if we put our mind to it? (proposed — Stephen)
Is anything possible if we put our mind to it? For example flight, submarines, space travel, internet etc Do we manifest what we think?
Read More16. Rape — whose fault? (proposed — Beth)
Last year a UK official made the comment that sometimes when a rape takes place the female victim must accept the reality that her actions may have triggered the attack, at least in part. Is this a fair statement? What implications does it have for both victims and perpetrators? What implications does it have for…
Read More15. Abortion (proposed — Beth)
In the recent presidential debates in the USA the Republican party expressed their wish to make abortion illegal once more, with an exception for cases where pregnancy was the result of rape or abuse. Do you think this line of reasoning makes sense? Is it enforceable? Is this even an issue that warrants the government’s…
Read More14. Global warming: what is it and how real is the threat? (proposed — Bill)
Global warming: what is it and how real is the threat?
Read More13. Wilderness protection (proposed — Bill)
Should our remaining wild areas be protected at all costs? Or should they be open to commercial development, mining, farming, wood-chipping, etc.
Read More11. The concept of alternative universes (proposed — Bill)
The concept of alternative universes is a popular topic in science at the moment. If an alternative universe existed, would it have different physical properties to those of our universe? Or would the physical laws necessarily be the same?
Read More10. Photography is both the easiest and the hardest medium (proposed — Bill)
Photography is popular because it’s the easiest medium in which to be competent. But it’s also the hardest medium in which to develop a unique artistic vision and separate yourself from the crowds of competent photographers. (paraphrasing Chuck Close)
Read More9. Is artificial intelligence a real possibility? (proposed — Bill)
Will computers ever be able to translate complex sentences? Is artificial intelligence a real possibility? Or is it simply an imaginary concept?
Read More8. Should the Parthenon sculptures (the Elgin Marbles) be returned to Greece? (proposed — Bill)
Should the Parthenon sculptures (the Elgin Marbles) be returned to Greece?
Read More7. Poetry (proposed — Bill )
Poetry, as an activity and an institution, used to be central to civilization, but is much more marginalised now. Why is that?
Read More6. What is the purpose of dreaming? (proposed — Bill) discussed 29 June 2013
What is the purpose of dreaming? (i.e. what evolutionary advantage would a dreaming creature have over one that does not dream?) There are many existing theories, such as emotional reboot, building neural networks for visual processing, etc., but there is no genuine consensus on the issue.
Read More5. Intelligent life elsewhere in the universe — already discussed
Debate topic: Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Or was the development of life on earth a complete fluke, a once only event, which happened against all odds, and is never likely to occur again anywhere in the universe? Is the search for life elsewhere in the universe a waste of time, money…
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