• June 22, 2013

34. Is English the most important language in the world? (proposed — Soon; discussed 23 August 2013)

Is Eng­lish the most impor­tant lan­guage in the world? Is all lan­guage trans­lat­able? Which parts of which lan­guages are incom­pat­i­ble with oth­er lan­guages and how do dif­fer­ent groups of indi­vid­u­als deal with that? Will glob­al­iza­tion accel­er­ate the loss of cer­tain native lan­guages? What are the con­se­quences of focus­ing on learn­ing the dom­i­nant lan­guages and not focus­ing on pre­serv­ing native lan­guages?

2 thoughts on “34. Is English the most important language in the world? (proposed — Soon; discussed 23 August 2013)

  1. Here are a few back­ground essays that I have writ­ten around this top­ic (the top­ic is close to my pro­fes­sion­al home ter­ri­to­ry):

    1. “Lan­guage Main­te­nance and Lan­guage Shift — a Con­trar­i­an View­point” at http://www.academia.edu/1555956/Language_Maintenance_and_Language_Shift_-_a_Contrarian_Viewpoint

    2. “Mono­lin­gual­ism and How to Fix It (if it needs fix­ing)” at http://www.academia.edu/2641229/Monolingualism_and_How_to_Fix_It_if_it_needs_fixing_

    3. “Lan­guage in Suva: lan­guage use and lit­er­a­cy in an urban Paci­fic com­mu­ni­ty” at http://thormay.net/lxesl/tech7.html

    4. “Some Mys­ter­ies of Lan­guage Learn­ing” at http://thormay.net/lxesl/lxlearningmysteries.html

    - Thor May

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