• September 29, 2016

27. AP8 Why do brains go wrong? Who decides?

All the world is mad but you and me, and even you are a lit­tle strange..” Unbal­anced men­tal states range all the way from depres­sion to killer crazy. In Aus­tralia in any given year 4 mil­lion peo­ple will expe­ri­ence a men­tal ill­ness, and 1 mil­lion Aus­tralians have a dis­abling psy­chi­atric dis­or­der. The favoured treat­ments of…

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26. AP8 The Trust Problem. Some people and some countries have it. Some don’t. Why?

Whom do you trust? In a soci­ety, less trust = more laws. Sig­nals of trust change between cul­tures, and even social class. In some coun­tries pub­lic trust is almost zero. Also, can a “Face­book friend” or a face from TV be real­ly trust­ed? An Inter­net romance? For some, reli­gion sig­nals trust­wor­thi­ness. What is your solu­tion…

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