• May 19, 2013

3. Gender equality — already discussed

Debate top­ic: West­ern civil­i­sa­tion is often held up as an exam­ple of hav­ing achieved gen­der equal­i­ty. Do you think we have reached that point as a nation? Is such an ambi­tion even a real pos­si­bil­i­ty? If it is, what does it look like?

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2. No man is an island — already discussed

Debate top­ic: The line ‘No man is an island’ from a John Don­ne poem has become famous large­ly because so many recog­nise it to be true of the human expe­ri­ence. Why is it that we grav­i­tate towards being in rela­tion­ship with oth­ers? Why is ‘com­mu­ni­ty’ so impor­tant to and for us? What would soci­ety look…

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