• November 11, 2013

64. How far should we go in raising an indifferent public’s awareness of important social, moral or political issues? (discussed 14 December 2013; proposed by Mehdi)

Some believe “igno­rance is bliss”, and the more they know the more they get wor­ried. On the oth­er hand we def­i­nite­ly can’t be indif­fer­ent about many things. From a social per­spec­tive, through which we try to man­age our rela­tion­ship with oth­ers in a friend­ly man­ner, what is the bor­der­line between legit­i­mate wor­ry (which leads to tak­ing action) and indif­fer­ence (which pre­serve peace of mind, at least in the short term)? Is it moral­ly per­mis­si­ble to encour­age oth­er peo­ple to wor­ry about cer­tain issues, say glob­al warm­ing, human rights, ani­mal rights, etc. to pre­cip­i­tate effec­tive action? Should we con­sid­er them self­ish if they are innate­ly not con­cerned about such issues, or mere­ly show token agree­ment?

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